Being Nice vs. Being Kind: What Really Matters?

"Nice is not the same as kind.  Nice is not the same as ethical.  Nice is not the same as moral.  Th...

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Embrace the Power of the Full Moon in Capricorn: A Guide to Harnessing Its Energies

Hello, Moon Lovers! Prepare to set your intentions and manifest your dreams because the Full Moon in...

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Navigating Grief Through Movement: How to Find Your Way When Life Feels Overwhelming

“Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith… It is the price of love.” — Unknown Life late...

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Have you ever felt called to hibernate? Cocoon and rest?       When the world began restrictions and...

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

"There are parts of ourselves that we can only see through the mirror of 'the other' and this is the...

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Early Spring 

Happy Vernal (Spring) Equinox! Equal day and light here in the northern hemisphere with the promise ...

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Anger and Grief Through Yoga

You adjust the thermostat in your home. You wouldn't allow strangers off the street to walk into you...

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"Transmutation isn't a slow burn; it's a wildfire. Our inner fires are being reflected on the outer ...

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The Whole Package

"You can be the whole package and still end up at the wrong address. When this happens, the receiver...

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Online Yoga Classes

✨Wellness at your fingertips✨ Has your health care provider suggested mindfulness or yoga for your s...

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Chronic Low Back Pain

Did you know that one of the number one complaints in this country is low back pain? It makes sense ...

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Building Strength or Holding Tension

What does it feel like when you’re holding tension in your body? I know the minute I start to stress...

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“The mind is the king of the senses, but the breath is the king of the mind.”  ~BKS Iyengar This wee...

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Upside Down

A wise friend once told me, when you’re having a bad day, just stand on your head. Since headstand i...

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Non Attachment

“I envy the tree, how it reaches but never holds.” Non-attachment. One of the hardest principles for...

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Comfort Zones

We are living in cages with the door wide open.” George Lucas  I love reading and rereading this quo...

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Stop. Breathe. Now do it again but slower this time. We live in a culture where our very identity is...

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Highlight Reel

“People who deny the existence of dragons are often eaten by dragons from within.”  Ursula K Le Guin...

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“Practice is the effort to attain steadiness in the suspended state.” ~ The Yoga Sutras Practice. I ...

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Workout Rituals

“And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.” ~...

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