Being Nice vs. Being Kind: What Really Matters?

"Nice is not the same as kind.  Nice is not the same as ethical.  Nice is not the same as moral.  Th...

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Embrace the Power of the Full Moon in Capricorn: A Guide to Harnessing Its Energies

Hello, Moon Lovers! Prepare to set your intentions and manifest your dreams because the Full Moon in...

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Navigating Grief Through Movement: How to Find Your Way When Life Feels Overwhelming

“Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith… It is the price of love.” — Unknown Life late...

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Celebrating the Summer Solstice and the Full Strawberry Moon

Welcome to the Summer Solstice, a day brimming with sunlight and the promise of warmth and growth. T...

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Age is Just a Number: Honoring my Dad's Wisdom

My dad had many typical "Dadisms" that he would say throughout my life. One that grew to be one of m...

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New Moon in Gemini

Welcome to the new moon in Gemini! As we gear up for the upcoming New Moon this evening, there’s som...

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Embracing the Full Moon in Sagittarius: A Celestial Journey Through Gemini Season

Welcome to the full moon in Sagittarius, arriving on the heels of our journey into the lively season...

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Navigating the Shadows: Understanding Toxic Positivity in the Yoga World

In a world where positivity reigns supreme, it's easy to fall into the trap of toxic positivity, esp...

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Embrace Abundance: Harnessing the Power of the New Moon in Taurus

Ah, the celestial dance continues, and we find ourselves out of eclipse season and out of mercury re...

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Harnessing the Magic of Beltane

As the vibrant energies of spring blossom, we find ourselves immersed in the enchanting celebration ...

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Have you ever felt called to hibernate? Cocoon and rest?       When the world began restrictions and...

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Full Moon Lunar Eclipse

"There are parts of ourselves that we can only see through the mirror of 'the other' and this is the...

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Early Spring 

Happy Vernal (Spring) Equinox! Equal day and light here in the northern hemisphere with the promise ...

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Full Moon in Leo 

“That’s the thing about the moon… the closer she gets to you, the rougher the seas. Unless, of cours...

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Autumn Equinox

"the wheel of change is always turning ever moving us in cycles of regeneration in releasing we rece...

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New Moon in Cancer

Have you been feeling emotional and perhaps even stagnant or stuck? Let me personally welcome you to...

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Summer Solstice

"You are not the darkness you endured. You are the light that refused to surrender." ~John Mark Gree...

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Anger and Grief Through Yoga

You adjust the thermostat in your home. You wouldn't allow strangers off the street to walk into you...

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April Twentieth  

The 20th of April is upon us and for those who grew up in Snoop Dog culture you know just what that ...

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"Transmutation isn't a slow burn; it's a wildfire. Our inner fires are being reflected on the outer ...

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