Stress Relief

Stress. Who doesn’t experience stress on a regular basis? Just walking on my son’s playground I’ve e...

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Chill Pill

“Stress is the trash of the modern life- we all generate it, but if you don’t dispose of it properly...

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Instant Results

“You wouldn’t plant a seed and then dig it up every few minutes to se if it has grown. So why do you...

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The King of Oils

Frankincense. There are SO many reasons why it is called the king of all oils. “When in doubt, frank...

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My Secret to Young Skin

I have spoken many times on this special oil but I just realized I’ve never written about it. If you...

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Lunar New Year

I love the Lunar New Year! I save my resolutions, word of the year, and yearly mantra for the Lunar ...

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🔥 The Fire Inside You🔥 “There is enough fire inside you to put all of Hell to shame, but you are p...

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Clove for Toothaches

Ah clove, a VERY old friend of mine. Long before I found doTERRA I found clove oil. When my son was ...

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The Lucky Blend

Sunday. A day for ritual and family, yes, for my family that has ALWAYS included football. Rituals f...

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Natural Bug Repellent

From the leaf of a tall grass native to Asia, Citronella essential oil has a crisp, fresh aroma. Wit...

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Muscle Pain Relief

I love diffusing firs in winter.   ❤️❤️ Something about the crisp, woodsy aroma that makes me love t...

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Pain Relief

Whether pain is preventing you from movement or you’re sore from movement, deep blue to the rescue! ...

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Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse

Welcome to the full moon and lunar eclipse in cancer! The first full moon of this year and decade is...

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Natural Immune Support

This one stop oil is my favorite way to ward off the seasonal cooties. If you’re wondering what oils...

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Sleep Help

Are you stressed out? Do you suffer from anxiousness? Do you have trouble sleeping? Welcome to the a...

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Chronic Pain and Inflammation

If you’ve been paying any attention to natural supplements in the research and applicable field turm...

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