Vernal Equinox

Happy Spring (or Vernal) Equinox! The equinox is the celebration of equal day and equal night welcoming the Spring season. Vernal meaning new and fresh and Equinox meaning equal night. 

I love celebrating with food, music, journaling and yoga on this beautiful evening. In preparation for this celebration I like to clean our space and diffuse oils to cleanse out the old season and then bring in the new when the celebration begins. Celebration in solitude by taking some time to meditate and breathe then journal some goals and intentions for the coming season is also a beautiful way to enjoy this day. No matter your ritual, enjoying some time to ground yourself into the earth and connect to this space in this present. 

Tonight I’m journaling with two categories of darkness and light. What darkness do I need to let go of and what light is needed to shift my focus?

In the winter we sit in the stillness, it's easier to look at the darkness and be honest with ourselves about what darkness is present. Perhaps even enveloping ourselves in the darkness to take rest and heal. And of course now that Spring is bringing new light and hope, it's a perfect time to shift the focus and set goals or intentions. 

For this journaling exercise I will be doing one section of writing on a free piece of paper and one in a journal. The free piece of paper I will be journaling on darkness and what I need to let go of from the winter. In my journal I will be focusing on Spring and goals and intentions to set for the season. Feel free to journal how works for you (I know some readers love to type and some love stationary, you be authentically you)! 
After journaling my winter "darkness prompts" listed below I like to fold this paper, meditate for a few minutes and then burn this sheet to release the winter. By letting go the ashes and focusing on the light that created them, it helps inspire and prepare for the journal prompts to focus our Spring journey. 

Tonight I’m diffusing equal parts wild orange, green mandarin and lavender to welcome Spring. With my small cleaning rituals I like to use lemon for extra cleaning and to bring focus into the house. While cleaning I diffuse lemongrass to help cleanse any stagnant energy and help with the letting go process, I do believe even Mother Nature herself is having a rough time letting go of this winter. 

For any of my math friends, today is in fact a palindrome. 
March 20, 2023 = 32023
You're welcome.😉

Darkness Prompts
What words, thoughts and images come up when you hear the word "darkness?" 
What challenges and obstacles came up for you during winter?
What seemed particularly difficult during winter?
What are you looking forward to letting go as Winter ends? 
Any regrets you have from this past season?
Where can you be gentler to yourself?

Light/ Spring Journal Prompts 
What are you grateful for?
What brings you hope when you look ahead at the next few months?
How do you want to feel?
What is a daily habit that would make you feel more light or hope? 
What are three intentions you want to set or goals you want to accomplish in the next three months? Be as specific as possible. 
What do you love about yourself?

Comments (1)



Mar 20, 2023 07:21 PM CDT

I love this! I will be practicing both the letting go and the welcoming of the new! Starting my diffuser now ;)

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