Peace and Adaptiv

How I’m currently holding it together:
-Peace and adaptiv
I have an amazing ability to detach from my emotions. I stay calm, logical and in the moment without feeling. This ability came in handy when I worked as an RN and probably helped form my dark sense of humor. These last 6 months this super power has been extremely helpful. Watching a parent suffer through a terminal illness is rough. Most days I feel like I can tackle any medical issue and challenge with a calm and poised mind and spirit, tapping in to this detached but present state of mind.

Then there are the days I’m driving and salty water starts blurring my vision and the path seems blocked. Crying as hard as a child again as I pull over. I have to remind myself I’m allowed to feel. And that’s where these oils come in. Peace and adaptiv are made to help balance our emotions. The chemistry in the oils when inhaled goes to the fight or fight response in our brain to help calm and bring peace on a central level. Yep, those little tiny hairs on the inside of your nose have a specific pathway to the brain through a cranial nerve. I roll both these bottles on the insides of my forearms and rub them together and take a minute of slow, yogic breathing inhaling the aromas.
What’s holding you together right now?

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