Juniper Berry 

From the coniferous tree juniper berry oil acts much like a flower in chemistry with properties supportive to the skin. A few drops of juniper berry in a spray bottle with witch hazel and distilled water is one of my toners I make for my face. I switch up the formula of my toner depending on season and weather to keep up with the shift in my skin but this oil is one of my favorites. Juniper berry is a grounding aroma so not only does it help rejuvenate the skin, it provides a relaxing aroma.

When taken internally juniper berry oil supports healthy kidney and urinary tract function. Easiest way to do this is put a drop in a veggie cap and take twice a day. So to help support your kidney’s and bladder to live their best life, add this to your regimen.

In the Essential Emotions book juniper berry is referred to as the “oil of the night” assisting those who fear the dark or unknown aspects of themselves. For this reason I love to diffuse juniper berry on new moons when we are enveloped in darkness. In fact when my son was little and would have nightmares this oil plus lavender were the calming power mix I made in a spray bottle. We referred to it as “nightmare spray” and it scared off all the nightmares or monsters in the closet (yes, I do think I rocked at toddler marketing).

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