
Versatility is the name of the game when it comes to lemon essential oil. The amount of uses for lemon oil is so vast it exceeds the word count for instagram. Currently in the state of the world I’m loving this oil in the diffuser with breathe to clean the air in the increasing smoke and incredibly bad air quality. Lemon leaves a fresh scent and compliments beautifully with breathe for an airway supportive blend.
This smoke can affect us in many ways and it’s important to remember that the liver has to filter EVERYTHING we put in, on and breathe in to our bodies. Yes, even the air pollution we breathe and take into our lungs has to be filtered through our liver. So drinking a drop of lemon in your water throughout the day can help support the body to naturally cleanse and aid in digestion as well as support a healthy respiratory function.
Cold pressed from the rind with its main chemical constituents being Limonene, β-pinene, γ-terpinene which give lemon it’s purifying and cleansing benefits as well as its uplifting and positive aroma.

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