Postpone Your Reaction

When I’m tired and feel out of sorts I turn to old books I’ve read a hundred times, shows I’ve seen a million times, and my favorite old parenting podcast which feels like listening to old friends. Naptime radio, which is no longer recording, was a podcast I found when my son was at that nap-time age and gave me laughs, perspective and inspiration. Most of all it felt like having a few girlfriends who understood where I was and fed my soul. A portion of the podcast called the “Biz Buzz with Ali P” gave inspiration for business and life, some of my early dips into personal development. This particular message I was listening to again from the ever wise Ali was to "postpone your reaction." How often do we immediately respond to something (maybe due to being a mild control freak or feeling responsible) and it would have worked itself out or conclusion would have been the same without our intervention.

Postpone your reaction. Does everything you respond to need your immediate reaction? How often do you realize later your reaction was not needed or it didn’t change the outcome?

As a recovering control freak I find this one difficult but a perfect one to practice. In yoga last week we focused this for our intention. Focusing on what the body is signaling to us but taking 3-4 breaths before responding to the body. Try this next time you practice or take a walk or run. Try to breathe first and notice if you need to react or if you can push through.


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