Oil Pulling

The health of your mouth reflects a great deal about your overall health. Many studies, including one done by Harvard Medical School in 2018, have found a connection with increased plaque on your teeth connected to increased plaque in the arteries.
So what do you do for the occasional mouth irritation? Do you reach for the OTC tube of chemicals, or try to tough it out until it passes?

My son had some gum irritation in between a loose tooth and we used the following routine for 3 nights with success and relief in a short time.
We always start with a salt water rinse for 45 seconds.
Many medical and dental professionals recommend the use of salt water rinses is because the liquid can help to reduce dental bacteria. Salt water will temporarily boost the pH balance of your mouth, leading to an alkaline environment in which harmful bacteria will find it difficult to survive. Bacteria prefer an acidic environment, so if you use the salt water solution frequently, it can be hard for the bacteria to multiply. Salt water is an isotonic solution, meaning it contains the same minerals and salts as our bodies and won’t irritate the mucous membranes like a traditional mouthwash might.

Next take a teaspoon and fill 3/4 full with fractionated coconut oil (or castor or jojoba oil).
Add 1 drop each of myrrh and copaiba to the teaspoon. Myrrh has powerful cleansing properties especially for the mouth and throat. Copaiba can be added directly to the mouth to cleanse and soothe the gums and oral cavity.
Clove has been used for years in dental preparations, candy, and gum for its flavor and ability to cleanse the mouth, yet it provides a myriad of benefits. In fact, ask your dentist at your next visit if your temporary fillings contain clove (they often do). Clove is HOT oil so I dip a toothpick in the bottle then swirl it in the teaspoon of oils to help soothe and act as an analgesic.
My son swished this teaspoon of oil for 45 seconds near the irritation then spit out. This combo works well as a soothing way to assist your body in speeding up tissue repair!

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