Inner Voice

If someone spoke to you the way you speak to yourself, would you be their friend?
Would they be an encouraging, warm, kind and supportive friend? Or do you speak to yourself in such a way that you would never tolerate it from another?

So why is it SO easy to speak to ourselves with negativity?

Having positivity in my top 5 strengths growing up I normally had a very positive internal voice. It wasn’t until I started to see my family and friends and how they spoke to themselves. It made me feel like perhaps I was doing it wrong, and slowly with my teen years that negative, judgmental voice moved in. Sometimes I would be so hard on myself and expect so much that it felt like I was living in prison inside of my head.

Yoga and some personal development books were what helped me question why I ever changed from this positive internal voice. I’m not saying that it’s easy to shift from an enemy to a friend inside of your head, but start it slowly.

I’d love to challenge you (and I’ll do it too 😘❤️) to evaluate your internal voice for the next 24 hours. If it’s acting like someone who you would never be friends with, saying cruel things: shift. Try either just focusing on your breath to let those negative comments slide away, or even challenge yourself to say the opposite of what you just said to yourself. Sometimes it’s enough just to make you laugh. And then in those moments of silence look for what you like about yourself. Be a friend to yourself first, the rest will fall into place.

Shift the focus.

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