
You don’t have to be strong when there is nothing heavy to carry.

Are you creating a backpack of worry and weighing yourself down? With every to do list item, and “shoulds” I shove on my back I not only get mentally frazzled but physically I get those pains and back spasms that only come with stress. Sure you may be rolling your eyes at the the thought of a mental stressor causing me physical pain but ask yourself this, when you’re stressed, do you hold it in your shoulders? Your jaw?

Try an exercise for me. Sit quietly and take few breaths. More breath. Now, call into your mind a time of joy. It can be a big or small event or thing. Vision yourself and let yourself bask in the warmth of this feeling.
Now more breath. Try to empty the mind. Notice the body. How does it feel? More breath.
Now, call into your mind a stressor. Something or situation that is striking fear, anxiety or anger. Even it’s as simple as getting cut off in traffic or someone driving treacherous on icy roads…. Allow yourself to feel all the emotions coming up. Now stop and notice the body? Where are you holding tension? What is the breath doing?

Pause now and allow yourself to deep breathe and bring back that joyful memory. More breath then open your eyes.

Change requires wisdom not strength.

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